Joshua Teves

About Me

In my career, I am an R&D S&E (meaning research and development scientist/engineer type person) at Sandia National Laboratories. I was previously a computer programmer in the neuroimaging space, and before that a Physics PhD dropout, and before that a physics guy who studied raindrops. It's been a bit of a weird journey. Most of my work revolves around programming and technical support. For my most up to date work, see my active projects page. I have also become heavily involved with the United States Research Software Engineer Association, where I am currently Chair of the Code of Conduct working group and Co-chair of the Outreach working group. Outside of work, I also have a variety of hobbies. I have hobbies that do no favors for programmer stereotypes, like video games and tabletop games, and hobbies that would be very difficult to guess, like collecting fountain pens. I currently live in Massillon, Ohio, with my wife and dog.

A headshot of me


Blog Posts

Books Read


Active Projects

Inactive Projects


In Memoriam

Available Works

Works available; I retain copyright though I'm currently considering an appropriate Creative Commons license.

Pro Git Supplement. A set of companion questions and exercises to go with Pro Git. I may eventually expand on this, but currently it's designed to be used with Pro Git chapters 1-3.

LaTeX for Physicists. A guide to get up and running with LaTeX. Originally targeted towards physicists but broadly useful for anyone expecting to write LaTeX documents with citations, figures, or math.

External Sites